This is a big and voluminous area with large documentation and case studies on the metalink.

There are documented and undocumented utilities provided by Oracle.

Documented Utilities

There are some exclusive utilities that are available for Windows platform. They are

1. ORADIM this utility enable to create windows services for an Oracle Instance for the to be created database or edit the services for the existing database or delete the services for the existing database. Start and shutdown Oracle Database services

ORADIM: [options].
Refer to manual.

Enter one of the following command:

01. Create an instance by specifying the following options:

-NEW -SID sid | -SRVC srvc | -ASMSID sid | -ASMSRVC srvc [-SYSPWD pass]
[-STARTMODE auto|manual] [-SRVCSTART system|demand] [-PFILE file | -SPFILE]
[-SHUTMODE normal|immediate|abort] [-TIMEOUT secs] [-RUNAS osusr/ospass]

02. Edit an instance by specifying the following options:

-EDIT -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass] [-STARTMODE auto|manual] [-SRVCSTART
system|demand] [-PFILE file | -SPFILE][-SHUTMODE normal|immediate|abort] [-SHUTTYPE
srvc|inst] [-RUNAS osusr/ospass]

03. Delete instances by specifying the following options:

-DELETE -SID sid | -ASMSID sid | -SRVC srvc | -ASMSRVC srvcStartup services and instance
by specifying the following options:

STARTUP -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass] [-STARTTYPE srvc|inst|srvc,inst] [-PFILE
filename | -SPFILE]Shutdown service and instance by specifying the following options:

-SHUTDOWN -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass] [-SHUTTYPE srvc|inst|srvc,inst]
SHUTMODE normal|immediate|abort]

Query for help by specifying the following parameters: -? | -h | -help