Oracle Installation can be done in multiple ways.


01. Using Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)

02. Using Oracle Response Files

03. Using Tar Balls - previously created from a running database and 

04. Using Tar Balls - created for the new installations using 01 or 02 methods


Some are of the opinion that copying the bundle of binaries from one server to another is the installation. That is NOT true.


Windows maintain and Unix has soft and hard links


Purpose Windows Registry 


The Windows Registry serves as an archive for collecting and storing the configuration settings of Windows components, installed hardware/software/application and more. A Windows component, hardware or a software, retrieves the registry entries or keys relating to it, every time it is started. It also modifies the registry entries or keys corresponding to it, in its course of execution. When keys are added to the registry, the data are sorted as computer-specific data or user-specific data in order to support multiple users.


Purpose Installation On Unix Server


When an application is Installed on Unix server.


01. runtime controls

02. soft links, if any

03. hard links, if any

04. configuration files under different conventional directory paths

05. and other activities including copying binaries


When a tar ball is created from under particular directory is created, the files created for application purposes will not be created. The soft links and hard links created on the source server may be part of the decompressing the tar ball, but, if the purpose of creating the destination server is different from the source server, the libraries may not have been pointing to those libraries. Run Time Controls will not be created. configuration files, if any, will NOT be created. and some other actions that are not simply copying the binaries from the tarfile, do not happen. 


So, in the absence of the actions beyond copying the binaries by uncompressing the tarfile, the application may behave differently not as expected.


Installation Using Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)



Prerequisites for OUI. MOS doc ID 459360.1 has more information. The below table describes the prerequisite validation by OUI and Opatch.






Check if the given ORACLE_HOME is valid. 

% opatch prereq CheckOracleHome 

Check if it has the inventory files with proper permissions.

% opatch prereq CheckOracleHome -oh


Check if the oraInst.loc file is proper and has the read permissions

% opatch prereq CheckOraInstLocation 

% opatch prereq CheckOraInstLocation -invPtrLoc


Validate the Central Inventory location. 

% opatch prereq CheckCentralInventoryLocation 

Check if it has the correct directory structure and has the inventory.xml with read permissions

% opatch prereq CheckCentralInventoryLocation -invPtrLoc


Check if the given ORACLE_HOME is registered in the central inventory specified by the oraInst.loc file

% opatch prereq CheckCentralInventoryForOH 

% opatch prereq CheckCentralInventoryForOH -invPtrLoc


Check the ORACLE_HOME for the presence of OUI

% opatch prereq CheckOUILocation 

% opatch prereq CheckOUILocation -oh


Check if the OUI in the ORACLE_HOME is compatible for the OPatch

% opatch prereq CheckOUIVersionCompatible 

% opatch prereq CheckOUIVersionCompatible -oh


Check if all the required OUI libraries are present in the given ORACLE_HOME

% opatch prereq CheckRequiredLibs 

% opatch prereq CheckRequiredLibs -oh





Check is the user is 'root'. 

% opatch prereq CheckUserAdminPrivilege

Note: OPatch should not be invoked by 'root', if so 

then this check fails.


Check if enough system space is available for the patch(es) to be applied.

% opatch prereq CheckSystemSpace -ph


Check if the ORACLE_HOME is locked for patching by any previous unsuccessful OPatch Session 

% opatch prereq CheckIfOHLockedForPatching 

Note: Checks if patch_locked exist in $OH/.patch_storage directory

% opatch prereq CheckIfOHLockedForPatching -oh


Check if the given patch(es) is applicable on the current platform

% opatch prereq CheckPatchApplicableOnCurrentPlatform -ph


Check for the presence of the required components in the ORACLE_HOME and check if all the actions of the given patch(es) are applicable

% opatch prereq CheckApplicable -ph  

% opatch prereq CheckApplicable -phBaseDir


Check if there are any conflicts among the patches to be applied, by giving out the detailed information about the conflicts/supersets

% opatch prereq CheckConflictAmongPatchesWithDetail -phBaseDir


Check if there are any conflicts between the patches to be applied and the patches in the OH, by giving out the detailed information about the conflicts/supersets

% opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir  

% opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph